Phrasal Verbs ( Bb দিয়ে শুরু হওয়া)

Back away (move away stick, the dog backed away. সরে যাওয়া): 

As I raised the

Back down (give up a claim- দাবী ছেড়ে দেওয়া): 

Since his claim was more reasonable, I had to back down.

Back onto (be situated at the back of পিছনে অবস্থিত হওয়া): 

Our house backs onto theirs.

Back out (fail - ব্যর্থ হওয়া): 

He promised to help us but finally backed out.

1Back up (support সমর্থন করা): 

He did not back up my proposal.

"Back up (make a copy of a disk ডিস্কের কপি করা): 

You should back up the disk before turning off the computer.

Bail out (obtain freedom for someone by playing bail জামিনে কাউকে মুক্ত করা):

The party paid a large sum of money to bail him out.

2Bail out (remove water from a boat নৌকা থেকে পানি ফেলে দেয়া):

If we had not bailed out them, the boat would have sunk.

3Bail out (help a business out of difficulty by providing money অর্থ দিয়ে কোন ব্যবসায় প্রতিষ্ঠানকে বিপদমুক্ত করা):

This company needs to be bailed out.

Bale out (escape from an aircraft by parachute - প্যারাসুট দিয়ে উড়োজাহাজ থেকে নামা):

When the plane was on fire, some passengers were bale to bale out.

Ball up (spoil নষ্ট করা): The party was balled up by some wicked boys.

Band together (unite with some special purpose বিশেষ উদ্দেশ্যে একত্রিত হওয়া):

The opposition parties banded together to form an alliance.

Bandy about/around (spread by talking কথা বলে ছড়ানো):

His friends have bandied about/around his secret marriage.

Bank on/upon (depend on/upon নির্ভর করা):

Can I bank on/upon your help?

Bank up (make or form into a pile - স্তূপীকৃত করা বা হওয়া)

The snow has banked up.

Bank with (put money in a bank ব্যাংকে টাকা রাখা):

Who do you bank with? আপনি কোন ব্যাংকে টাকা রাখেন?

Bargain away (give away in return for something - কোন

কিছুর বিনিময়ে বিসর্জন দেওয়া):

We won't bargain away our freedom in exchange for anything.

Barain for (be ready this untoward event. প্রস্তুত থাকা):

I didn't bargain for

2Bargain for (expect প্রত্যাশা করা):

Father gave me more money than I had bargained for.

Bargain on (consider as likely সম্ভাব্য ভাবা):

We didn't bargain on spending so much money on food.

Base on/upon (make something using something else as the starting point কোন কিছুর উপর ভিত্তি করে কোন কিছু নির্মাণ করা):

This play is based on/upon a foreign story.

Batten down (fasten with boards of wood কাঠের বোর্ডের সঙ্গে বাঁধা):

When the storm came, they battened down the hatches.

Batten on/upon (exploit- সুবিধা নেওয়া):

All his friends battened on/upon his generosity.

Bawl out (reprimand জব্দ করা):

Mother bawled me out for returning home late at night.

Bear away (win- জয় করা বা পাওয়া):

He bore away the first prize in that competition.

Bear down (defeat পরাজিত করা):

We have borne down the enemy.

2Bear down (use all one's strength and effort সমস্ত শক্তি ও প্রচেষ্টা ব্যবহার করা):

He bore down with all his strength to lift the weight.

Bear down on/upon (move quickly towards - কোন দিকে দ্রুতবেগে ধাবিত হওয়া):

Their boat bore down on/upon ours.

Bear on/upon (relate to কোন কিছুর সঙ্গে সম্পর্কযুক্ত বা সঙ্গতিপূর্ণ হওয়া):

Your statement doesn't bear on our discussion.

Bear out (support or confirm সমর্থন বা নিশ্চিত করা):

Those who were present there can bear out what I said, I am sure you'll bear me out.

Bear up (have courage সাহস রাখা):

He bore up well against his misfortunes.

Bear with (endure patiently must bear with his rudeness. -ধৈর্য্য সহকারে সহ্য করা):


Beat down (shine with great heat- প্রচণ্ড তাপে জ্বলা):

The sun was beating down on us.

2Beat down (persuade someone to reduce a price কাউকে দাম কমাতে রাজী করানো):

He wanted five hundred taka for the watch, but I beat him down. mwob

3Beat down (flatten the paddy. ফেলে দেওয়া):

The rain beat down

Beat off (repulse - ঠেকানো বা প্রতিহত করা):

We couldn't beat off the attack/attackers.

Beat out (put out by beating - আঘাত করে নেভানো)

When the carpet caught fire, we beat it out.

2Beat out (produce sound by beating উৎপন্ন করা):

He beat out a tune on the bowl. আঘাত করে শব্দ

Beat up (wound by hitting beaten up by the robbers. প্রহার করা):

He was badly

Beaver away (work very hard esp a desk job খুব পরিশ্রম করা, বিশেষ করে ডেস্কের কাজে):

The accountant was beavering away at the complicated calculations.

Become of (happen to কারো কিছু ঘটা বা হওয়া):

I don't know what will become of us if he dies now.

1Bed in (plant in a bed জমিতে রোপণ করা):

The farmers are now bedding their seedlings in.

2Bed in (place- স্থাপন করা):

Bricks are bedded in mortar (চুন, বালি ও পানির মিশ্রণ)।

3Bed in (go deep into bedded itself in the wall. ভিতরে প্রোথিত হওয়া):

The bullet

1Bed down (provide someone with a bed কাউকে শোয়ার জন্য বিছানা সরবরাহ করা):

Where will you bed down your guests ?

2Bed down (make oneself comfortable for the night কোথাও শুয়ে ঘুমিয়ে পড়া):

I'll bed down on this bench.

Bed out (plant elsewhere সরিয়ে রোপণ করা):

These young seedlings should now be bedded out.

Beef up (strengthen or improve শক্তিশালী করা বা উন্নত করা):

Your story needs beefing up before we can publish it.

Beg off (excuse oneself from doing something promised - প্রতিশ্রুতি কোন কিছু করা থেকে অব্যাহতি চাওয়া):

He wanted to join our party but later on he begged off.

Believe in (think that something exists - কোন কিছুর অস্তিত্বে বিশ্বাস করা):

I don't believe in ghosts.

2Believe in (have confidence in the value of - কোন কিছুর উপকারিতা সম্পর্কে নিশ্চিত বোধ করা):

He believes in taking exercise.

1Belong to (be the property of books belong to me. - কারো দখলে থাকা):


2Belong to (be connected with political party do you belong to? যুক্ত থাকা):


Belt out (sing loudly belting out a song. উচ্চস্বরে গাওয়া):

The shepherd is

Belt up (stop talking কথা বলা বন্ধ করা):

The invigilator asked the examinees to belt up.

Bind over (order someone to cause no more trouble under threat of legal punishment আদালতের ভয় দেখিয়ে কাউকে অশান্তি সৃষ্টি না করতে আদেশ দেওয়া):

The offender was bound over for a year.

Bite back (prevent oneself from saying anything secret and bad গোপন ও খারাপ কিছু বলা থেকে বিরত থাকা):

He was about to tell the secret but he bit his words back.

1Black out (darken so that no light is seen অন্ধকার করা যাতে কোন আলো দেখা না যায়):

The cities were blacked out during the war.

2Back out (lose consciousness- অজ্ঞান হওয়া):

The thief blacked out as a result of beating.

3Black out (suppress blacked out their love affair. চাপিয়ে রাখা) :

At first they

Blast off (take off ভূমি ছেড়ে উপরে উঠা):

The plane blasted off as the sky was clear

Block in/out (draw picture of anything quickly - দ্রুত কোন কিছুর ছবি আঁকা):

1 have blocked in/out a rough plan of my house.

Blot out (hide ঢেকে ফেলা):

The clouds blotted out the sun.

Blow away (kill by shooting with a gun বন্দুকের গুলিতে মারা) :

Several students were blown away in the gun- battle.

Blow back (explode বিস্ফোরিত হওয়া):

While she was cooking, the gas cylinder suddenly blew back.

1Blow in/into (arrive unexpectedly - অপ্রত্যাশিতভাবে হাজির হওয়া):

As the door was open, Zinina blew in/into my room.

2Blow in (start producing- উৎপাদন শুরু করা):

The oil well in our area will soon blow in.

1Blow out (extinguish নিভিয়ে ফেলা):

Don't blow the candle out.

2Blow out (burst have blown out. ফেটে যাওয়া):

The tyres of my bicycle

Blow over (stop blowing has blown over. বওয়া বন্ধ হওয়া):

The storm

2Blow over (be forgotten - বিস্মৃত হওয়া):

The scandal will soon blow over.

Blow up (arise উঠা):

A violent storm is blowing up.

2Blow up (scold severely প্রচণ্ডভাবে ভৎসনা করা):

Father blew me up for neglecting my studies, UDY

3Blow up (destroy by explosion করা):

The army blew up the bridge. বিস্ফোরণের সাহায্যে ধ্বংস

4Blow up (inflate with air or gas বাতাস বা গ্যাস দিয়ে ফুলানো):

The tyres of your bicycle should be blown up.

5Blow up (enlarge - বড় করা):

1 have a mind to blow up this photograph.

Blurt out (say suddenly from nervousness or (xcitement ঘাবড়ে গিয়ে বা উত্তেজিতভাবে হঠাৎ বলা): When I went there, he blurted out the news of the accident.

Board out (get food away from home বাসস্থানের বাইরে কোথাও খাওয়া):

I had to board out while my wife was at her father's house.

Bob up (appear or reappear suddenly অকস্মাৎ আবির্ভাব বা পুনরাবির্ভাব হওয়া):

Don't think he is missing; he will bob up soon.

Bog down (sink and become stuck- ডুবে আটকে যাওয়া):

The car was bogged down in the mud.

2Bog down (become stuck আটকে যাওয়া):

The talk bogged down on the question of higher salary.

Biol away (continue to boil ফুটতে থাকা):

The water is still boiling away.

2Boil away (be reduced to nothing by boiling ফুটে শেষ হয়ে যাওয়া):

The tea had boiled away and the kettle was empty when I went to the kitchen.

1Boil down (reduce by boiling ফুটে কমে যাওয়া বা ফুটিয়ে কমিয়ে ফেলা):

You should boil the milk down to half.

2Boil down (condense long; you should boil it down. ছোট করা):

Your essay is too

Boil down to (mean, leaving out the unnecessary part - অপ্রয়োজনীয় অংশগুলো বাদ দিয়ে অর্থ প্রকাশ করা):

The long report, in fact, boils down to the lack of public safety.

Boil over (flow over the sides of a container উপচে পড়া) :

The milk is boiling over shall I turn the gas off? fula

Boil up (reach a dangerous level- বিপজ্জনক পর্যায়ে পৌঁছা):

The political crisis in the country is boiling up rapidly.

Bone up (work hard for a special purpose বিশেষ উদ্দেশ্যে কঠোর পরিশ্রম করা):

You should bone up on English if you want to pass this examination. do8

1Book in (book a hotel room for oneself or someone else নিজের বা অন্যের জন্য হোটেলের রুম ভাড়া করা):

I booked myself in at the Sonargaon Hotel.

2Book in (report one's arrival at a hotel হোটেলে পৌঁছে বোর্ডার হিসেবে সেখানকার খাতায় নাম লিখানো):

1 booked in at 5 O'clock in the evening.

Book up (keep something according to arrangement made in advance - অগ্রিম চুক্তি মোতাবেক বরাদ্দ করে রাখা):

All rooms in this hotel are booked up.

Boot out (dismiss - বরখাস্ত করা):

He was booted out for insubordination (অবাধ্যতা)।

IT 2Boot out (expel - বহিষ্কার করা):

He was booted out of the exam hall for cheating.

Border on/upon (be almost alike His strange behaviour borders on প্রায় অনুরূপ হওয়া):


2Border on/upon (be next to zoo borders on/upon the park. ধারে অবস্থিত হওয়া):


Bottle out (refuse to do something because one is afraid ভয় পেয়ে কিছু করতে না চাওয়া):

I asked him to jump over the wall but he bottled out.

Bottle up (control feeling - অনুভূতি নিয়ন্ত্রণ করা):

Tell me what you are anxious about don't bottle it up.

Bottom out (reach the lowest point - নিম্নতম পর্যায়ে পৌঁছা) :

The country's economy has now bottomed out.

Bounce back (return to former good position after a failure or misfortune ব্যর্থতা বা দুরবস্থা কাটিয়ে আগের ভাল অবস্থায় পৌঁছা):

He has bounced back from his poverty by dint of hard labour.

Bow down (admit defeat পরাজয় স্বীকার করা):

We will never bow down to our enemies.

Bow in (receive someone by lowering one's head - মাথা নুইয়ে কাউকে অভ্যর্থনা জানানো):

The host is bowing his guests in.

1Bow out (say goodbye to someone by lowering one's head মাথা নুইয়ে কাউকে বিদায় জানানো):

After the feast the host bowed the guests out.

2Bow out (give up a position কোন পদ থেকে বিদায় নেয়া):

The present chairman will bow out next year.

Bow to (accept unwillingly অনিচ্ছাকৃতভাবে গ্রহণ করা বা মেনে নেওয়া):

You have to bow to the inevitable (অনিবার্য) consequences of your activities.

Bowl along (move smoothly and quickly দ্রুত ও স্বচ্ছন্দ গতিতে চলা):

The car is bowling along at a speed of 90 kilometers per hour.

1Bowl over (knock down by running ধাক্কা দিয়ে ফেলে দেওয়া):

While running, he almost bowled me over.

2Bowl over (give pleasant surprise to :

I was bowled over by the news of his সুখকর চমক দেওয়া) passing the exam.

Box in/up (confine in a small space ছোট জায়গায় আবদ্ধ করে রাখা):

The prisoner was boxed in/up in a small room.

Branch off (take a small road leaving a main one - বড় রাস্তা ছেড়ে ছোট রাস্তা ধরা):

We bowled along the main road for about an hour and then branched off to go to his village.

Branch out into (do something beyond one's normal range of activities নির্ধারিত কিছুর বাইরে অন্য কিছু করা):

The teacher has branched out into practising homeopathy.

1Break away (escape suddenly and violently- হঠাৎ প্রবল প্রচেষ্টায় পালিয়ে যাওয়া):

The thief broke away from the grip of the policeman.

2Break away (end connection with a party - কোন দলের সঙ্গে সম্পর্ক ছেদ করা):

Many people broke away from the opposition parties and joined the government party.

Break down (collapse broken down. ভেঙ্গে পড়া):

All our plans have

2Break down (destroy the bus down. ধ্বংস করা):

The rioters broke

3Break down (come to an unsuccessful end ব্যর্থতায় পর্যবসিত হওয়া):

The dialogue between the government and the opposition broke down without any agreement.

4Break down (stop working suddenly broke down on the way. থেমে যাওয়া):

The car

5Break down (lose control of one's feelings

অনুভূতির উপর নিয়ন্ত্রণ হারানো):

He broke down and began to cry when be heard the news of his father's death.

Break over (make nither a loss nor a profit লাভ বা লোকসান কিছুই না করা):

1 broke over in this year's business.

Break forth (burst out ফেটে পড়া):

He broke forth in anger and left the place.

Break in (enter a room by force জোরপূর্বক ঘরে প্রবেশ করা):

The burglar broke in through the window.

2Break in (teach to obey by training আনা):

I could not break the horse in. প্রশিক্ষণ দিয়ে বশে

Break in on/upon (interrupt হস্তক্ষেপ করা):

Please don't break in on/upon our conversation.

4Break in (wear new shoes to make them lose their stiffness নতুন জুতা পরে তার শক্ত ভাব কমানো): As the new shoes are stiff you should break them in.

Break into (enter forcefully জোরপূর্বক প্রবেশ করা):

They broke into the house to commit a burglary.

2Break into (begin suddenly অকস্মাৎ শুরু করা):

The boys broke into a loud laughter to see their teacher in a queer dress.

3Break into (change suddenly হঠাৎ চলার ধরণ পরিবর্তন করা):

He walked for a few minutes and then broke into a run.

4Break into (take unexpectedly অনাকাঙ্খিতভাবে দখল করা) :

Some social duties broke into my last weekend.

5Break into (use part of, unwillingly অনিচ্ছাকৃতভাবে কোন কিছুর অংশ বিশেষ ব্যবহার করা):

This year I have to break into my savings.

Break of (cure of a bad habit- কোন খারাপ অভ্যাস থেকে মুক্ত করা):

The doctor tried to break her of her drug.

1Break off (stop temporarily - কিছুক্ষণের জন্য থামা):

While I was writing, she asked me to break off for a cup of tea.

2Break off (end abruptly- হঠাৎ শেষ করা):

He broke off his friendship with me.

3Break off (break down ভেঙ্গে যাওয়া বা ভেঙ্গে ফেলা):

The storm has broken off two branches of this tree.

Break out (begin suddenly অকস্মাৎ শুরু হওয়া):

Last night a fire broke out in our village.

Break out of (escape পলানো):

A prisoner is reported to have broken out of the jail.

Break out in (become covered with কোন কিছুতে ঢেকে যাওয়া):

His face has broken out in pimples.

Break through (force a way through বাধার মধ্য দিয়ে বেরিয়ে আসা):

The sun broke through the clouds.

2Break through (make a new advance or discovery নতুন কোন অগ্রগতি বা আবিষ্কার করা):

Scientists will certainly break through in their search for a cure for AIDS.

Break up (divide into small parts ছোট ছোট অংশে বিভক্ত হওয়া বা করা):

Can you break up this long stick ?

2Break up (become weak broken up from over work. দুর্বল হওয়া):

He has badly

3Break up (come to an end marriage is going to break up soon. সম্পর্ক শেষ হওয়া):


4Break up (disperse the crowd. ছত্রভঙ্গ করা):

The police broke up

5Break up (demolish now be broken up. ভেঙ্গে ফেলা):

This old box should

6Break up (begin the holidays- ছুটি শুরু করা):

When will your break up for summer vacation?

Break up (amuse greatly প্রচুর আনন্দ দেয়া):

The performance of the joker broke me up. Biết ph

Break with (end a friendship with কারো সঙ্গে বন্ধুত্ব শেষ করা):

He has recently broken with all his friends and is living a solitary life.

Brick up (fill or enclose with bricks ইট দিয়ে ঢেকে দেওয়া বা ঘিরে দেওয়া):

You should brick up this window. The entire garden was bricked up.

Brim over (become full and begin to overflow- পূর্ণ হয়ে উপচিয়ে পড়া):

The bucket under the tap is brimming over.

Brim over (express in excess The girl is brimming over with খুব বেশি পরিমাণে প্রকাশ করা) happiness.

Bring about (cause to happen ঘটানো):

This dialongue should bring about a change in the national politics.

Bring around (persuade someone to change opinion - কাউকে মত পরিবর্তনে রাজী করানো):

I could not bring him around to our opinion.

Bring back (return book back to you tomorrow. ফেরত দেওয়া):

I shall bring the

2Bring back (remind someone of past events অতীত ঘটনা মনে করিয়ে দেওয়া):

This play brought back my childhood days.

3Bring back (obtain and return with নিয়ে ফেরা):

He brought some nice girls back from England for me.

Bring down (cause to fall down নামানো):

The pilot brought the plance down very carefully.

2Bring down (cause to happen - ঘটানো):

His death will bring down disaster on his family.

Bring forth (give birth to জন্ম দেওয়া):

We don't know what the future will bring forth for us.

Bring forward (produce উপস্থিত করা):

He could not bring forward any other new argument.

Bring forward (advance- এগিয়ে আনা)

The exam date has been brought forward from 20 to 5 June.

Bring in (produce as profit or income লাভ কিংবা আয় হিসেবে আনা):

Private coaching brings him in about ten thousand taka a month.

2Bring in (introduce - চালু করা):

They brought in a new fashion.

3Bring in (introduce Bill on child labour. উত্থাপন করা):

They brought in a

4Bring in (bring someone to court for interrogation জিজ্ঞাসাবাদের জন্য গ্রেফতার করে থানায় আনা): The police brought in all the major criminals.

Bring off (rescue- উদ্ধার করা):

When the boat capsized, we brought off all the passengers.

2Bring off (do successfully সফলভাবে করা):

Although the work was very difficult, the young boys brought it off.

Bring on (couse something to happen unexpectedly অনাকাঙ্খিত কিছু ঘটানো):

If you get drenched in the rain, it will bring on a bad cold.

2Bring on (improve- উন্নত করা):

Taking this course will certainly bring on your English.

Bring out (show clearly পরিষ্কারভাবে দেখানো):

Can you bring out the meaning of this poem?

2Bring out (publish প্রকাশ করা):

My last book was brought out by the Pacific Publishers.

3Bring out (help someone feel less shy কারো লজ্জা ভাঙ্গানো):

We tried to bring that shy girl out at the party.

4Bring out (call forth বের করে আনা): Adversity brought out the best in that man.

Bring out in (cause to suffer the stated skin condition উল্লেখিত ত্বকের অবস্থা ভোগানো):

Egg plants bring me out in a rash.

Bring over (draw someone to one's own party নিজের দলে ভেড়ানো):

He tried his best to bring me over to his politics.

Bring round (help someone regain conciousness - কার কারো জ্ঞান ফেরানো):

The unconscious man should immediately be brought round.

Bring round to (change direction to মোড় ঘুরানো):

He was clever enough conversation round to his favourite topic. কোন কিছুর দিকে to bring the

Bring through (make someone physically well after illness সুস্থ করা):

The doctor brought him through a serious disease.

Bring to (help someone regain consciousness জ্ঞান ফেরানো):

The doctor found it very difficult to bring the patient to.

Bring under (check দমন করা):

They could not bring rebels under.

1Bring up (educate and care for লালন পালন করা):

After his father's death, he was brought up by his uncle.

2Bring up (vomit বমি করা):

The baby has brought up all the milk in dark.

Bristle up (rise on end - খাড়া হওয়া):

When the dog was angry, its hair bristled up.

Bristle with (be full of ভরে যাওয়া):

The university campus bristled with the armed police

Bruit abroad/about (spread every where – সর্বত্র ছড়ানো)

His friends bruited abroad/about the news of his secret marriage.

Brush away (remove by sweeping - ঝাড় দিয়ে সরিয়ে ফেলা)

He brushed away all the litter from the picnic spot.

Brush aside (pay no attention to তোয়াক্কা না করা):

He brushed all difficulties aside and moved forward.

Brush off (reject প্রত্যাখান করা):

I sent her a proposal for marriage but she brushed it off.

Brush up (improve one's previous knowledge by study আগের শেখা কোন বিষয়কে আরেকবার ঝালাই করে নেওয়া):

You should brush up your basic grammar before taking this course.

1Buck up (improve উন্নত করা):

You have to buck up your ideas to pass the exam.

2Buck up (hurry- তাড়াতাড়ি করা):

If you don't buck up, we'll be late.

3Buck up (make cheerful - উৎফুল্ল করা):

We were bucked up by that good news.

Buckle down to (begin to work seriously at কোন কাজ মনোযোগ দিয়ে শুরু করা):

Stop dilly-dallying and buckle down to doing your work.

Buckle to (begin attentively মনোযোগ দিয়ে শুরু করা):

Boys and girls, please buckle to your studies.

Bugger about (cause inconvenience to অসুবিধা ঘটানো)

The income tax office is always buggering him about.

Bugger off (go away চলে যাওয়া):

Don't distrub me now; I want you to bugger off.

Bugger up (spoil মাটি করা):

That accident buggered up all our plans. a deindi

Build in/into (made something as fixed part of a house কোন কিছুকে কোন ঘরের স্থায়ী অংশ হিসেবে তৈরি করা):

We have got some shelves built in/into the walls of the drawing room.

Build on (make as an additional part অতিরিক্ত অংশ হিসেবে নির্মাণ করা):

This part of the house was built on later.

2Build on (base an built on facts. ভিত্তিশীল করা):

All his arguments are

3Build on (depend on নির্ভর করা):

He always builds on his friends for any mental support.

Build up (increase building up very quickly. বাড়ানো বা বাড়া):

The clouds are

2Build up (praise প্রশংসা করা):

Don't build me up so much.

Bulk out (cause to swell to bulk out her hair. ফুলানো):

She uses shampoo

of Bully off (start a game of hockey হকি খেলা শুরু করা):

The hockey match was bullied off at 3 O'clock.

Bum around (waste time for nothing - অযথা সময় নষ্ট করা) :

You have lots of work to do; why are you bumming around?

2Bum around (spend time travelling for amusement - আনন্দের জন্য ভ্রমন করে সময় কাটানো) :

The two friends have been bumming around the country for several weeks.

Bum off (succeed in getting something from someone কারো কাছ থেকে কোন কিছু নিতে সফল হওয়া) : He bumed some money off me.

Bump into (meet by chance অকস্মাৎ দেখা পাওয়া):

। bumped into an old friend of mine at the party.

2Bump into (dash against bumped into me from behind. ধাক্কা লাগা):

The blind man

Bump off (kill - হত্যা করা):

When he refused to give any money the robber bumped him off.

Bump up (increase বাড়ানো):

The dishonest business me suddenly bumped up the price of rice.

Bundle up (dress warmly গরম কাপড়ে নিজেকে আবৃত করা):

He bundled himself up in several warm clothings.

Bung up (block a cold. রোধ করা):

My nose is bunged up with

Bunk off (leave in a hurry- তাড়াহুড়া করে চলে যাওয়া):

He bunked off in the middle of the party. ad

2Bunk off (play truant স্কুল পালানো):

She often bunks off from school to meet her boy - friend. T

Burn away (continue to burn জ্বলতে থাকা):

The fire has been burning away for about an hour.

2Burn away (destroy by burning পুড়ে নষ্ট করা বা হওয়া):

Half the candle has already burnt away.

Burn down (destroy by burning পুড়ে ধ্বংস করা বা হওয়া):

The entire building burnt down in a few minutes.

Burn off (destroy by burning পুড়ে নষ্ট করে ফেলা):

He is burning off a pile of unnecessary paper.

Burn out (ruin health by working very hard অতিরিক্ত পরিশ্রম করে স্বাস্থ্য নষ্ট করা):

If you study so hard, you'll burn yourself out.

2Burn out (stop working through damage caused by heat তাপে ক্ষতিগ্রস্থ হয়ে বন্ধ হয়ে যাওয়া):

The engine has burnt out.

1Burn up (destroy by fire or heat- আগুনে পুড়ে বা প্রচণ্ড তাপে ধ্বংস করা বা হওয়া):

Have you burnt up all the wood?

2Burn up (obsess পুরোপুরি কারো মন দখল করা):

He was burnt up with love for the girl.

Burst in on/upon (interrupt থামানো):

I don't mind if you burst in on/upon my speech.

Burst into (begin suddenly হঠাৎ শুরু করা):

With the news of his mother's death the boy burst into tears.

Burst out (begin suddenly and loudly হঠাৎ উচ্চশব্দে শুরু করা):

He burst out laughing to see the joker.

Bust up (separate or cause to separate বিচ্ছিন্ন করা/হওয়া):

They bust up after only two years of marriage.

2Bust up (spoil নষ্ট করা):

The rain busted up our picnic.

Butter up (flatter – তোষামোদ করা) :

He buttered up his boss to gain a promotion.

Button up (keep quiet চুপ করে থাকা):

If you don't button up, I'll kick you off here.

2Button up (complete successfully At long last we have buttoned up our সফলভাবে সমাপ্ত করা): examination.

Buy in (buy something for future use ভবিষ্যতের প্রয়োজনে কোন কিছু কিনে রাখা):

He is buying in rice for the next few months.

Buy off (bribe - ঘুষ দেওয়া):

He bribed the employer off to get the job.

Buy out (buy something else's right in business ব্যবসায়ে অন্যের অধিকার কিনে নেওয়া):

He has bought his partner out in this business.

Buy up (buy all the supplies of কোন কিছুর সবটুকু কিনে নেওয়া):

The friends bought up the entire plot of land.

Buzz off (go away চলে যাওয়া):

Buzz off and stop annoying me.

এই পোস্টটি পরিচিতদের সাথে শেয়ার করুন

পূর্বের পোস্ট দেখুন পরবর্তী পোস্ট দেখুন
এই পোস্টে এখনো কেউ মন্তব্য করে নি
মন্তব্য করতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন

Timeline Treasures নীতিমালা মেনে কমেন্ট করুন। প্রতিটি কমেন্ট রিভিউ করা হয়।

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