Phrasal Verbs ( Cc দিয়ে শুরু হওয়া)

 Calculate on (depend on নির্ভর করা): Don't calculate on her coming with you. tto balino

1Call back (pay another visit- আবার আসা): He asked his guests to call back.

2Call back (return a telephone call কোন টেলিফোন কলের জবাবে কাউকে টেলিফোন করা): Please call me back in the evening.

Call by (visit when passing কোথাও যাওয়ার পথে কারো সঙ্গে দেখা করা): 1 called by at his house on my way to college.

Call down (reprimand for breaking the cup. জব্দ করা): 1 called her down

2Call down (invoke আবাহন করা: He called her down divine punishment on them.

1Call for (demand- চাওয়া): We called for the bill from the waiter.

2Call for (demand প্রয়োজনীয় হিসেবে কোন কিছু প্রত্যাশা করা) : We never called for such a remark.

3Call for (go and get someone from their house or office কাউকে তার বাড়ি বা অফিস থেকে ডেকে নেয়া): I shall call for you exactly at 8 O'clock in the morning.

Call forth (evoke চাওয়া): We called forth God's blessing on the muslim world.

Call in (ask someone to come to help সাহায্যের জন্য কাউকে ডেকে আনা): You should call in a doctor at once.

2Call in (request the return of ফেরত দেওয়ার জন্য অনুরোধ করা): If you don't mind,, I would like to call in the money you borrowed from me.

1Call off (withdraw প্রত্যাহার করা): The strike has been called off for the sake of people's convenience.

2Call off (order to keep away 

Please call off your dog-it's attacking me. সরে যেতে বলা): 

Call on/upon (meet সাক্ষাৎ করা): We called on/upon the chairman to discuss the matter.

2Call on/upon (ask someone to do something কাউকে কিছু করতে বলা):1 would like to call on/upon the Chairman now to make his speech.

Call out (order someone to come to provide help - সাহায্যের জন্য তলব করা): The university anthority called out the police to maintain peace on the campus.

2Call out (order to go on strick ধর্মঘটে যেতে বলা): The opposition leader called out the country men.

1Call up (telephone give the message. টেলিফোন করা): I'll call you up to

2Call up (bring back my past memories. ফিরিয়ে আনা): This scene calls up

3Call up (order someone to join the armed forces কাউকে সেনাবাহিনীতে যোগ দিতে বলা): He was called up in 1980.

Calm down (make or become calm শান্ত করা বা হওয়া): He was so angry that none was able to calm him down.

1Camp out (sleep outdoors ঘরের বাইরে ঘুমানো): When we went on an excursion, we camped out for a week.

2Camp out (live in uncomfortable conditions for a short time- সাময়িকভাবে অসুবিধাজনক অবস্থায় বাস করা): We'll have to camp out until the house is completely repaired.

Camp up (behave unnaturally অস্বাভাবিক আচরণ করা): The joker was camping up to entertain the audience.

Cancel out (balance সমতুল্য হওয়া): The two arguments cancelled each other out.

Capitalize on (use for advantage সুবিধার জন্য ব্যবহার করা) : She made a mistake and I capitalized on that mistake to win the game.

Care about (consider something important গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ভাবা): 1 don't care about money. কোন কিছুকে

1Care for (look after care for the orphan boy. দেখাশুনা করা): There was none to

2Care for (like পছন্দ করা): 1 don't really care for sweets.

Carry away (cause to lose self-control- আত্মনিয়ন্ত্রণ হারিয়ে দেওয়া): She was carried away by anger while quarrelling with her husband.

Carry back (remind someone of the past অতীতের কথা মনে করিয়ে দেওয়া): That incident carried me back to my childhood.

Carry forward/over (move a total (when adding) from one place to another বড় যোগের ফল এক কলাম থেকে অন্য কলাম বা পৃষ্ঠায় নিয়ে যাওয়া): Add up these figures and carry the total forward.

1Carry off (win জয় করা): He carried off as many as six prizes in that competition.

2Carry off (succeed in hard work কঠিন কাজে সফল হওয়া) : The work is so difficult that I can't say. I shall be able to carry it off.

Carry on (continue inspite of an interruption or defficulty বাধা বা অসুবিধা উপেক্ষা করে চালিয়ে যাওয়া): We can carry on our coversation after the tea break. ob les

Carry on (have a love affair প্রেম করা): Her parents did not know that she was carrying on with her private tutor

Carry on (complain অভিযোগ করা): He was always carrying on about his wages.

Carry out (perform সম্পাদন করা): You must carry out my orders.

Carry out (fulfil promise, duty etc. প্রতিশ্রুতি, কর্তব্য ইত্যাদি পালন করা): You have failed to carry out your duty to your parents.

Carry through (help to overcome danger বিপদ অতিক্রম করতে সাহায্য করা): His courage carried him through his illness

"Carry through (accomplish সম্পাদন করা): Despite strong opposition, the government carried the reforms through.

Carve up (divide in a way favourable to oneself নিজের অনুকূলে ভাগ করে )ে The two friends carved up the profits between themselves

Cash in (take full advantage of পূর্ণ সুযোগ নেওয়া): Не cashed in on his opponent's mistake in the game.

Cast about for (search in all directions সব দিক খুঁজে দেখা): He was out to cost about for his missing dog.

Cast away (leave somewhere কোথাও ফেলে আসা): The wicked cast was cast away at a distant place.

Cast down (disappoint হতাশ করা) : He was cast down by the sad news of his failure in the exam.

Cast off (set free ছেড়ে দেওয়া): The boat was cast off in the middle of the river.

Cast out (expel বহিষ্কার করা): We cast him out of the village for his villainy.

Catch at (hold আঁকড়ে ধরা): A drowning man catches at a straw.

1Catch on (become popular জনপ্রিয় হওয়া): This hair style caught on very quickly in the country.

2Catch on (understand what he was saying. বুঝা): I could not catch on

1Catch out (send a batsman out of field by catching ball in cricket - ক্রিকেটের বল ধরে ব্যাটসম্যানকে মাঠের বাইরে পাঠানো): The opening batsman was caught out with a duck (শূন্যরান)।

2Catch out (show someone to be doing something wrong কেউ ভুল করছে বলে দেখানো): The lawyer caught the witness out by clever questioning.

1Catch up (come up from behind and reach the same point as পিছন থেকে এসে একই পর্যায়ে পৌঁছা): He ran so fast that nobody was able to catch him up.

2Catch up (do what needs to be done in order to come up to date পিছিয়ে পড়া অবস্থা থেকে বর্তমান পর্যন্ত আসতে যা করা দরকার তা করা): As he was absent from school for two weeks, he is now working hard to catch up.

Cater for (provide what is needed যা দরকার তা সরবরাহ করা): This newspaper caters for all sports news.

Cater to (try to satisfy সন্তুষ্ট করতে চেষ্টা করা): This newspaper caters to the interest of all classes of readers.

1Cave in (fall down পড়ে যাওয়া): The roof of the house caved in as a result of the rain.

2Cave in (yield your pressure. বশ্যতা স্বীকার করা): I won't cave in to

Centre on/upon (have as a main subject কোন কিছুকে কেন্দ্র করে আবর্তিত হওয়া): Our conversation was centred on/upon the girl who had committed suicide.

Chalk out (describe বর্ণনা করা): Before going on a journey, you should chalk out a plan.

Chalk up (succeed in getting কোন কিছু পেতে সফল হওয়া) : We have chalked up another victory over our rival team.

2Chalk up (charge to or record on, someone's account কারো নামে পাওনার হিসেবে লিখে রাখা): Please chalk up this soap to me.

Chance upon (meet or find by chance হঠাৎ সাক্ষাৎ পাওয়া বা কোন কিছু পাওয়া): While shopping, I chanced upon an old friend of mine.

Change into (do or be something different ভিন্ন কিছু করা বা হওয়া): The magician changed the bird into a cat.

Change up/down (increase/decrease the speed of a vehicle - গাড়ির গতি বাড়ানো/কমানো): Whether you'll change up or down depends on road conditions.

Change over (change completely - সম্পূর্ণ পরিবর্তিত হওয়া)

The country changed over from autocracy to democracy.

Charge for (ask as a price দাম হিসেবে চাওয়া): How much do you charge for this watch?

Charge to (record as debt ঋণের খাতায় লিখে রাখা): Please charge these purchases to my account.

Chat up (talk to someone to gain friendship বন্ধুত্ব লাভের

জন্য কারো সঙ্গে আলাপ করা): He always tries to chat up pretty girls.

Cheat on (remain unfaithful in sex relationship যৌন সম্পর্কে অবিশ্বস্ত থাকা): He didn't know that his wife was cheating on him.

Cheat out (take by decit প্রতারণা করে কোন কিছু নেওয়া): He was cheated out of his money by a fellow passenger.

Check in (register one's name at a hotel or airport হোটেলে বা এয়ারপোর্টে এসে নাম রেজিস্ট্রি করানো): We checked in at the hotel at 8 O'clock in the morning.

2Check in (have the return of books at a library record - লাইব্রেরীতে কেউ বই ফেরত দিলে তা রেকর্ড করিয়ে নেয়া): I'm going to the library to check in these books.

Check out (leave hotel after payment of rent ভাড়া পরিশোধ করে হোটেল ত্যাগ করা): We checked out from the hotel at 12 noon

Check out (find out whether something is true by making inquiries অনুসন্ধান করে কোন কিছুর সত্যতা যাচাই করা):

The police are trying to check out his statements.

3Check out (have the removal of books recorded at a library লাইব্রেরী থেকে বই নিলে তা রেকর্ড করিয়ে নেয়া): Have you checked out your books?

Check up (examine account? যাচাই করা): Did you check up the

Cheer up (amuse or merry আনন্দ দেওয়া বা প্রফুল্ল হওয়া): 1 took her out to film to cheer her up.

Chew out (speak angrily to কারো সঙ্গে রেগে কথা বলা): I chewed out the student for being late to class.

Chew over (think about কোন কিছু নিয়ে ভাবা): Let me chew over the matter for a while.

1Chime in with (be consistent with কোন কিছুর সঙ্গে সঙ্গতিপূর্ণ হওয়া): Your ideas will never chime in with mine.

2Chime in with (enter into conversation আলাপে ঢুকে পড়া): While we were discussing the matter, he suddenly chimed in with his opinion.

Chip away (break little by little- একটু একটু করে ভেঙ্গে ফেলা) : He took a hammer and chipped away (at) the rock. von

1Chip in (enter a conversation between other people - অন্যের আলাপে অনুপ্রবেশ করা): While we were talking, he suddenly chipped in.

Chip in (add one's share of money নিজের অংশের টাকা যোগ করা): If everyone chips in their one day's salary, that will be a big help to the affected people.

Choke back/down (control দমন করা): He could not

choke back/down his anger.

Choke off (stop or prevent - থামানো বা প্রতিহত করা): He choked off all opposition to his plans.

Chop down (cut down কেটে ফেলে দেওয়া): All the road - side trees have been chopped down.

Chop up (cut into pieces chopping up the beef. টুকরো টুকরো করে কাটা): She is

1Chuck out (compel someone to go away কাউকে চলে যেতে বাধ্য করা): The owner of the restaurant chucked out the quarrelling customers.

2Chuck out (discard out these old clothes. ফেলে দেওয়া): You should chuck

Chuck up (give up him to chuck up smoking. ছেড়ে দেওয়া): The doctor advised

Chum up with (make friends with কারো সঙ্গে বন্ধুত্ব করা)

: He chummed up with the daughter of his boss.

Churn out (produce in large quantity প্রচুর পরিমাণে উৎপাদন করা): He is a prolific writer who churns out several novels a year.

Churn up (stir - নাড়া দেওয়া): His violent speech churned up the public sentiment.

Clam up (become silent নীরব হওয়া): He was talking loudly but when his father arrived there he clammed up in a moment.

Clamp down (create pressure against something কোন কিছুর বিরুদ্ধে চাপ সৃষ্টি করা): The government decided to clamp down on coaching centres.

Claw back (get back with great difficulty - বহু কষ্টে ফেরত পাওয়া): I lent him a lot of money and I managed to claw it back after a long time.

Clean down (clean by brushing or wiping ঝেড়ে বা মুছে পরিষ্কার করা): You should clean down the walls of your room.

1Clean out (clean the inside of কোন কিছুর ভিতরের দিকটা পরিষ্কার করা): I have to clean out my show case.

2Clean out (take all money away from - সব টাকা নিয়ে নেওয়া): While I was gambling there, they cleaned me out.

3Clean out (steal everything from কোন জায়গা সব কিছু চুরি করে নেওয়া): The thieves cleaned out the store.

1Clean up (clean thoroughly- সম্পূর্ণভাবে পরিষ্কার করা): The kitchen needs to be cleaned up.

2Clean up (gain a large amount of money অনেক টাকা জেতা): He cleaned up a fortune by gambling.

1Clear away (pass away soon clear away. চলে যাওয়া): These clouds will

2Clear away (take away away the tea cups. সরিয়ে নেওয়া): Please clear اودار

1Clear off (go away - চলে যাওয়া): I will be compelled to shoot you, if don't clear off.

2Clear off (get rid of debt. মুক্ত হওয়া): He cleared off his

1Clear out (collect and throw away কুড়িয়ে ফেলে দেওয়া) : He cleared out all his old clothes.

2Clear out (empty by removing unwanted things অবাঞ্ছিত দ্রব্যাদি সরিয়ে কোন কিছু খালি করা): You should clear out your drawers.

1Clear up (become clear is clearing up very quickly. পরিষ্কার হওয়া বা করা): The sky

2Clear up (solve - সমাধান করা): You should clear up the misunderstanding between you.

3Clear up (come to an end শেষ হওয়া): I think this bad weather will soon clear up. TIRO

Cleave to (be faithful to বিশ্বস্ত থাকা): She never failed to cleave to her husband.

Cleave through (make by cutting কেটে তৈরি করা): We clove a path through the jungle.

Climb down (admit that one has made a mistake - ভুল স্বীকার করা): A reconciliation between them was possible when one of them climbed down.

Clip out (cut anything from কেটে নেওয়া): 1 clipped this poem out of a newspaper.

Clock in (come to work কর্মস্থলে আসা): The workers of this factory clock in at 8 O'clock in the morning.

Clock out (leave work কর্মস্থল ত্যাগ করা): No employee is allowed to clock out before 4 O'clock.

Clock up (gain - লাভ করা): They have clocked up three consecutive victories.

Close down (stop broadcasting রেডিও/টিভির অনুষ্ঠান প্রচার বন্ধ করা বা হওয়া): This centre/channel will close down at 12 midnight.

Close in (surround ঘিরে ফেলা): Night was closing in before we reached our destination.

Close out (sell away all goods at reduced prices দোকানের সব জিনিস বিক্রি করে ফেলা): This library is closing out through a sale.

Close up (come nearer each other একে অন্যের কাছাকাছি হওয়া): Please close up and make room for others.

1Close with (agree রাজী হওয়া): He didn't close with my proposal.

2Close with (begin to fight যুদ্ধ শুরু করা): The two armies closed with one another.

Club together (gather together to work for the same parpose একত্রিত হয়ে একই উদ্দেশ্যে কাজ করা): The villagers clubbed together to build a bridge over the canal.

2Club together (share expenditure with others খরচের অংশীদার হওয়া): We clubbed together to buy an expensive gift for her.

Clue in (supply information তথ্য সরবরাহ করা): As he does not know anything about the matter, you should first clue him in.

Clue up (be informed তথ্য সমৃদ্ধ হওয়া): You should clue yourself up before the interview. 100

Cock up (make a mess of captains have cocked up the তালগোল পাকিয়ে ফেলা): Class arrangement for their picnic.

Colour in (put colour into রঙ লাগালো): If you have drawn the sketch, you can now colour it in.

Colour up (blush লজ্জা পাওয়া): The girl coloured up when I spoke to her.

Comb out (get rid of বাদ দেওয়া): This office has decided to comb out its unnecessary staff.

Come about (happen ঘটা): I don't know how this dangerous situation came about.

Come across (meet/find সাক্ষাৎ পাওয়া/হঠাৎ কোন কিছু পাওয়া): While he was walking to school, he came across an old friend.

2Come across (be effective ফলপ্রসূ হওয়া): The prime Minister's speech came across very well.

Come across as (seem to be কোন কিছুর মত লাগা): He came across as a professional photographer.

Come across with (provide money or information when needed প্রয়োজনের সময় অর্থ বা তথ্য সরবরাহ করা): When his friend found himself in a financial problem, he came across with a lot of money.

SAD Come after (chase ধাওয়া করা): We came after the theif but could not catch him.

1Come along (progress- উন্নত হওয়া): His English is coming along very quickly.

2Come along (arrive by chance- হঠাৎ এসে পড়া): Don't miss the opportunity which comes along.

3Come along (hurry up- তাড়াতাড়ি করা): Come along, dear-it's already 5 O'clock.

Come apart (break into pieces without use of force - বিনা চাপেই ভেঙ্গে বা খুলে যাওয়া): When I took the old book, it came apart in my hands.

Come around/round (become well after sickness আরোগ্য লাভ করা): The doctor expects that the patient will soon come around/round.

Come around/round to (change party or opinion দল বা মত পাল্টানো): I believe that he will soon come around/round to our politics.

1Come at (reach to come at the truth. পৌঁছা): It is sometimes very difficult

2Come at (attack আক্রমণ করা): When we entered the orchard, the old man came at us with his walking stick.

Come away (become detached বিচ্ছিন্ন হওয়া): The switch-board has come away from the wall.

1Come back (return to the memory - স্মৃতিতে ফিরে আসা): Yes, the story is coming back to me.

2Come back (become popular again পুনরায় জনপ্রিয় হওয়া): Do you think this fashion will ever come back.

Come back at (retort unkindly রূঢ়ভাবে জবাব দেওয়া): How dare you come back at me in this way?

Come between (interfere হস্তক্ষেপ করা): You should not come between them they are husband and wife.

Come by (obtain অর্জন করা): Did you come by this money honestly?

1Come down (fall কমা বা পড়া): The price of rice has started coming down.

2Come down (collapse ধ্বসে পড়া): If you don't repair the ceiling, it will come down at any moment.

3Come down (fall বৃষ্টি, তুষার ইত্যাদি পড়া): The rain came down in buckets.

4Come down (come to a small place from a big city বড় শহর থেকে ছোট কোন জায়গায় আসা): He came down from Dhaka to settle here.

5Come down (spend money - অর্থ ব্যয় করা): He came down generously to help the flood victims.

Come down (leave university with a degree ডিগ্রী নিয়ে বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় ছাড়া): He has recently come down from the Dhaka University.

Come down (pass from one period of history to another ইতিহাসের এককাল থেকে অন্যকালে অতিক্রান্ত হওয়া) : This story has come down to us from ancient times.

Come down to (be equal to সমান হওয়া): This quarrel may come down to their divorce.

Come down on (speak to with sever disapproval প্রবল অসম্মতি জানিয়ে কারো সঙ্গে কথা বলা): Businessmen are coming down on opposition leaders about hartals.

Come down for (demand forcefully জোরেসোরে দাবী করা) He came down on me for his arear bills.

Come down with (get disease কোন অসুখে আক্রান্ত হওয়া) : I am probably coming down with a bad fever.

Come forward (proceed - এগিয়ে আসা): No one has yet come forward with any offer of help.

Come from (have as a place or origin থেকে আসা) : These line come from Mecbeth. কোন জায়গা বা সূত্র Shakespeare's

1Come in (arrive or be received - আসা বা গৃহীত হওয়া): A lot of money is coming in from his business.

2Come in (become fashionable dress come in they easy sixties. প্রচলিত হওয়া): This

3Come in (rise জোয়ার আসা): Do you know when the tide will come in?

4Come in (secure a stated place in a race - প্রতিযোগিতায় নির্দিষ্ট কোন স্থান পাওয়া): He came in second in the competition.

Come in for (be given blame দোষের স্বীকার হওয়া): The government came in for a lot of criticism over the fertilizer crisis.

Come into (inherit উত্তরাধিকার সূত্রে পাওয়া): He came into a lot of property after his father's death.

2Come into (শুরু হওয়া): This sort of dress came into fashion about a decade ago.

1Come of (be descended from উদ্ভুত হওয়া): He comes of a respectable Muslim family.

2Come of (result from কোন কিছুর ফল হওয়া): No good will actually come of this dialogue between the two parties.

1Come off (take place - ঘটা): The marriage ceremony

will come off next month.

2Come off (become disconnected from - খুলে পড়া): One button came off my shirt.

3Come off (get an expected result - প্রত্যাশিত ফল পাওয়া): His joke did not come off well.

Come on (start - শুরু হওয়া): The programee will come on very shorly

Come out (apperar- আবির্ভূত হওয়া): The moon came out when the clouds passed away.

2Come out (be published your new book come out? প্রকাশিত হওয়া): When will

3Come out (disappear চলে যাওয়া): Wash your shirt immediately otherwise the ink stains won't come out.

4Come out (strike ধর্মঘট করা): The employees are coming out in support of their demands.

5Come out (develop ফটোর ক্ষেত্রে: পরিস্ফুটিত হওয়া): These photographs have not come out well.k

Come out in (become covered by কোন কিছুতে আবৃত হওয়া): Zininia came out in small pox

Come out with (say anything unexpectedly অপ্রত্যাশিতভাবে কিছু বলা): He came out with an unpleasant remark about the girl.

Come over (arrive from a distant place - অনেক দূর থেকে আসা) : When did come over to Bangladesh from England?

2Come over (become after that long journey. হওয়া) : came over very tired

3Come over (make a short information visit সংক্ষিপ্ত অনানুষ্ঠানিক পরিদর্শনে আসা): You can come over and see us any time you like.

1Come round (regain consciousness জ্ঞান ফিরে পাওয়া) : The patient came round after a long coma.

2Come round (happen as usual - নিয়ম-মাফিক ঘটা): The winter will be coming round again.

3Come round (become clam after being in a bad temper - খারাপ মেজাজে থাকার পর শান্ত হওয়া): Don't argue any more and he will soon come round.

Come through (appear in public জনসমক্ষে প্রকাশিত হওয়া): When will your exam results come through?

2Come through (survive a misfortune - কোন বিপদ অতিক্রম করে বেঁচে থাকা): He was lucky enough to come through that a dangerous operation.

1Come to (reach a point last the war came to an end. বিশেষ অবস্থানে পৌছা): At long

2Come to (enter the mind মনে আসা): His name is not coming to me now. diw trostno

3Come to (amount to পরিমাণ হওয়া): Your gas bill has come to 200 taka.

Come under (be controlled নিয়ন্ত্রিত হওয়া): This issue does not come under the Education Ministry.

Come up (come into consideration বিবেচনায় আসা):

These questions did not come up at the meeting.e

2Come up against (encounter মোকাবিলা করা): He came up against many untoward situations in his life.

Come up to (be equal to - সমান হওয়া): This essay has not come up to your usual high standards.noт это

Come upon (get or meet suddenly- হঠাৎ পাওয়া বা সাক্ষাৎ পাওয়া): While taking the morning walk today, I came

upon a friend of mine.

Come up with (produce উপস্থাপন করা): He has come up with a new idea.

Conceive of (imagine কল্পনা করা): I cannot conceive of living away without my family.

Condole with (express condolences to কাউকে সমবেদনা জানানো): 1 condoled with him on his father's death.

Confide in (talk freely to someone trust worth বিশ্বাস করে কাউকে কিছু বলা): 1 can confide in him, because he is my closest friend.

Confide to (give a task to confided my troubles to a friend. কাউকে কোন কাজ দেয়া):।

Confront with (bring face to face with মুখোমুখি আসা): The police confronted him with the evidence and he confessed his guilt.

1Conjure up (remind মনে করিয়ে দেয়া): This scene conjures up my past memories.

2Conjure up (present anything quickly like a magician যাদুকরের মত দ্রুত কোন কিছু উপস্থিত করা): I can conjoure up a good meal in a few minutes.

Connive at (make no attempt to stop something wrong ভুল কিছু থামাতে কোন চেষ্টা না করা): He connived at his son's free mixing with young girls.

Consort together (consort with each other পরস্পরের সঙ্গে মিলিত হওয়া): Dishonest people often consort together.

Consort with (spend time in the company of bad people দুষ্ট লোকদের সঙ্গে সময় কাটানো): You should not consort with criminals like them.

Consult with (exchange opinions with কারো সঙ্গে আলোচনা করা): Before you take a decision, you should consult with your partners.

Contract in (agree to take part অংশগ্রহণে সম্মতিজ্ঞাপন কর) : The two partners contracted in a joint business.

Contract out (agree not to take part অংশগ্রহণ না করাতে সম্মতিজ্ঞাপন করা): He contracted out of the pension scheme.

Cook up (concoct- মিথ্যা কিছু বানানো): Jerry cooded up a false story about his mother.

Cool down (pacify or be pacified শান্ত করা) বা হওয়া): The mother is trying to cool down her crying baby.

Coop up (Confine আটকিয়ে রাখা): He was cooped up in a tinny room for the whole day.

Cop out (avoid responsibility- দায়িত্ব এড়ানো): Please don't try to cop out of the problem

Copy out (write exactly as written else where কোন লেখা থেকে সরাসরি নকল করা): Would you please let me copy out your notes.

Cork up (suppress দমন করা): The girl could not cork up her emotions.

Cotton on (understand বুঝতে পারা): I could not cotton on to what he was saying.

Cought up (give unwillingly অনিচ্ছাকৃতভাবে দেয়া): Mother coughed up a five hundred taka note for my dress.

Count against (be considered disadvantageous অসুবিধাজনক হিসেবে বিবেচিত হওয়া): His past activities count against his present position.

Count down (Count backwards- উল্টোদিকে গণনা করা): When I count down to zero, you will stop running.

Count in (include - অন্তর্ভুক্ত করা): If you go on a picnic next Sunday please count me in.

Count on/upon (depend on নির্ভর করা): You can count on/upon me for any kind of help.

1Count out (exclude বাদ দেয়া): If Nasima does not go to the cinema, please count me out too.

2Count out (count one by one very slowly একটা একটা করে ধীরে ধীরে গোনা): The old lady counted out her coins and then passed them to the hawker.

3Count out (declare someone to be the loser by counting up to ten - দশ পর্যন্ত গুনে কোন বক্সারকে আউট করা): The referee counted him out in the first round.

Count up (find out the total number by counting গুনে মোট সংখ্য বের করা): Did you count up the guests?

Couple with (join one thing to (another) এক জিনিসের সঙ্গে অন্য জিনিস যুক্ত করা): Genious coupled with hard work brought him this success.

Cover up (prevent from being noticed - অন্যের দৃষ্টি থেকে আড়াল করা): The girl tried her best to cover up her nervousness.

Crack down on (take severe steps against কোন কিছুর বিরুদ্ধে কঠোর ব্যবস্থা গ্রহণ করা): We should crack down on the dowry system in marriage.

Cream off (remove আলাদা করা): The teacher creamed off the best students and put them in a special group.

Credit with (believe that someone has কারো কিছু আছে বলে বিশ্বাস করা): I don't credit him with any common sense.

Crop out/up (show above the surface of the ground ভূমির উপরে উঠে আসা): These minerals cropped out/up there a few years ago.

Crop up (happen or appear unexpectedly অপ্রত্যাশিতভাবে ঘটা বা দেখা দেয়া): New problems are cropping up every day.

Crop with (sow or plant বোনা বা লাগানো): How much land are you cropping with wheat this year?

Cross off (remove by drawing a line through - কেটে দেওয়া): If you don't pay the subscription. I'll cross your name off the list. 10

Cross out (draw a line through - লেখার ভিতরে লাইন টেনে বাদ দেওয়া): Cross this sentence out and write it in a different way.

Crowd out (keep out because of lack of space - স্থানের অভাবে বাদ দেওয়া): The editor of the college magazine crowded out my article.

Cry down (express opinions against মতপ্রকাশ করা): All committee members proposal. কোন কিছুর বিরুদ্ধে cried down his

Cry off (withdraw প্রত্যাহার করা): At first he promised to go with us, but later on he cried off.

Cry out against (express loudly strong disapproval of - কোন কিছুর বিরুদ্ধে সরব প্রতিবাদ ব্যক্ত করা): All the members of my family cried out against my marriage with her.

Cry out for (demand urgently - জরুরী মনে করা): The farmers are crying out for rain.

Cry up (praise highly cried up her beauty. ভুয়সী প্রশংসা করা): Everybody

Cuddle up (lie close and comfortably together আরামে ঘেঁষাঘেঁষি করে একসঙ্গে শুয়ে থাকা): The children cuddled up together in bed.

1Curl up (lie with arms and legs drawn close to the body - হাত পা গুটিয়ে শোয়া): She curled up on the sofa to watch television comfortably.

2Curl up (collapse মাটিতে পড়ে যাওয়া): Hit by the ball on the head, the boy curled up at once.

Curtain off (separate with a curtain পর্দা দিয়ে পৃথক করা) : The heroine curtained off her bed from that of the hero.

Cut across (take a shorter way across সংক্ষিপ্ত কোন পথ ধরা): We cut across the paddy field to reach there quickly.

2Cut across (go beyond the limits of সীমার বাইরে যাওয়া) : His rudeness cut across courtesy.

1Cut back (reduce your spending spress. কমানো): You should cut back (on)

2Cut back (reduce কমানো): The government should not cut back the education budget.

1Cut down (bring down by cutting very difficult to cut down this big tree. কেটে ফেলা): It is અમે સ્વપ

2Cut down (injure or kill আহত বা নিহত করা): Several students were cut down in the clash.

3Cut down (reduce কমানো): He has cut down (on) smoking.

Cut in (interrupt someone who is talking কারো কথায় বাধা সৃষ্টি করা): 1 am sorry to cut in on your conversation.d

1Cut off (sever- কেটে বিচ্ছিন্ন করা): One of her fingers was cut off by the kitchen knife.

2Cut off (disconnect the telephone line ফোনে কথা বলার সময় লাইন কেটে যাওয়া): We were cut off in the middle of our conversation.

3Cut off (disconnect the electric line - বৈদ্যুতিক লাইন কেটে দেয়া): If you don't pay the bill in time your electricity will be cut off.

4Cut off (disinherit সম্পত্তির অধিকার থেকে বঞ্চিত করা): His father will cut him off in he marries that girl.

1Cut out (separate by cutting- কেটে নেয়া): 1 cut the ad out of the newspaper for you.

2Cut out (make by cutting cut out beautifully. কেটে বানানো): This dress was

3Cut out (leave out or give up বাদ দেয়া বা বন্ধ করা): The doctor advised me to cut out cigarettes.

1Cut up (cut into pieces- টুকরো টুকরো করে কাটা): Can you please cut up the onions for me?

2Cut up (upset hear the news. বিচলিত করা): She was really cut up to

এই পোস্টটি পরিচিতদের সাথে শেয়ার করুন

পূর্বের পোস্ট দেখুন পরবর্তী পোস্ট দেখুন
এই পোস্টে এখনো কেউ মন্তব্য করে নি
মন্তব্য করতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন

Timeline Treasures নীতিমালা মেনে কমেন্ট করুন। প্রতিটি কমেন্ট রিভিউ করা হয়।

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